​As a company that came up through the Bristol Old Vic Young Company, we feel we understand the importance of a theatre education. We've been running theatre workshops with young people since the company's inception and we pride ourselves in delivering high quality, accessible and thought-provoking sessions that give participants a strong foundation for making their own work.
Whether it's supporting them to generate ideas from a stimulus, structuring devised material or bringing everything together ready for performance, our company members will tailor each workshop to suit your students' needs through a practical, rigorous and supportive approach.​​​
We will tailor our sessions to suit your needs and ensure our workshop is as useful to you and your students as possible. We are also happy to run shorter & longer workshops on request.
All workshops include a teaching resource pack & recorded interviews with the company. ​​​​​​​
Capacity: 25 participants per workshop leader
Equipment: PA system (we will provide laptop/phone for music); Flipchart paper and pens.
To prepare: ​​​​​Students should wear clothing that they can move in freely (e.g. tracksuit bottoms and trainers). No jewellery. Hair up.
Half day (up to 3 hours) £300 + VAT + Travel Expenses
Full day (up to 7 hours with 1 hour lunch break) £550 + VAT + Travel Expenses
Two days £800 + VAT + Travel Expenses
For more information on our workshops in schools, take a look at our Schools Pack HERE or contact Emily at emily@thewardrobeensemble.com. If you're ready to book a workshop, click on the button below to fill out the form and we'll be in touch to discuss details.